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AL DI MEOLA Offers Latest Single ‘Ava’s Dance In The Moonlight’

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Ionic guitarist and composer Al Di Meola has released his latest single Ava’s Dance In The Moonlight from his highly anticipated album Twentyfour.

The inspiration behind Ava’s Dance In The Moonlight came from a heartwarming moment in the studio. As Al was composing the song, his daughter, Ava, entered the studio to bid him goodnight. Captivated by the first notes of the melody, Ava began to dance ballet-style, providing Al with a moment of inspiration that led to the creation of the song.

Drawing from this enchanting performance and the tender moment shared with his daughter, Al crafted a beautiful ode to the innocence and magic of childhood. With its emotive melody, Ava’s Dance In The Moonlight is a testament to Al Di Meola’s ability to capture the essence of a moment and translate it into music that resonates with listeners on a profound level.

The music video is an homage to the story of its creation and embodies both the innocence and childishness as well as the dark times in which it was created.

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